
Festive Lights (Event)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Ghoulhood

Colorful lights that typically decorate the streets and homes of Eidolon during the Winter Soulstice. Don't get tangled in them!
Bulbs can be attached to a Ghoulhood's body with or without the wire strand.

How to Obtain: Strand of Lights (Winter Soulstice Box)

Edible Body Material (Event)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Ghoulhood

Allows your Ghoulhood to use an edible material for any part of their body (or their whole body)! 
Materials may include anything edible, from sweets to snacks!

How to Obtain: Edible Spellbook (Winter Soulstice Box)

Alternative Palette (Epic)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Ghoulhood

Alternative color palettes that can be used whenever by your ghoul! Allows a character to have up to 3 additional color palettes.
Markings may not change shape. Alternative palette reference images must be uploaded in a single separate tab on the character's profile.

How to Obtain: Epic MYO Token (MYO Shop)

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