Bigby's Bits and Bobs | Trait Shop

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Bigby's Bits and Bobs | Trait Shop

Shop art by C-side@TH

The neat and tidy shop greets you with a comforting, clean aroma.

You walk in, the soft chime of the doorbell ringing out. At first, there's a lot of scuffling noises from the room behind the counter. The doorway has a picnic blanket as a curtain. Glancing around, you see display cases of items instead of shelves. Each case has a unique lock on it. Everything is set around neatly, as if someone put great care into organizing the store. The checkered linoleum reminds you of a diner as you saunter over to the counter. You pay attention to the shuffling noises until a large shadow appears behind the blanket. Something is in there. Something is in here, with you. Alarm bells ring in your head as you turn to face the door.

A swish makes you turn and face the doorway. The blanket parts in two and a hulking wolf bends down through the doorway. He straightens up and quickly comes over to assist you. He's very... large. Two piercing red eyes stare down at you eagerly, and you feel the instinct to turn around and bolt out the door. He tilts his head, as if examining you properly before he eats you. You need to leave before you get attacked. However, you're interrupted with a soft, rumbly voice.

"Howdy there!" His demeanor is nothing like his stature. His southern accent is very strong.
"Welcome to my humble shop. Lemme know if I can assist you, okay?" The corners around his eyes crinkle as he smiles happily at you, large tail wagging behind him. He seems nice, but his teeth are so large and out there. They're also weirdly polished and white. You put aside your apprehension and look past it.
Oh. You expected him to be mean. He's just an excited puppy. Well, you don't want to let an adorable good boy down! You instantly start browsing his items with extreme interest as to not let him down.


